An artist rendering of what the new entrance to O'Dowd Hall might look like


Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine O'Dowd Hall翻新 & 除了

In 2021, 韦德体育app官网保留了Fishbeck+SLAM团队,主要目标是对韦德体育app官网威廉博蒙特医学院在奥多德大厅的空间使用进行研究, 并提出建议,提供更多以问题为基础的独立学习空间,以保持符合其医学教育联络委员会(LCME)的认证.

A significant secondary goal for this proposed project is an enhanced entrance space, 它被称为“门户”,将改善通往O 'Dowd Hall OUWB的可见通道,并为所有游客和居住者提供更多功能. 

The Oakland University Board of Trustees approved the $9.2022年6月13日,700万美元的项目.

翻新的现状 & 添加项目
  • (May 10, 2024) The exterior OUWB signage is installed in the new entryway.
  • (April 9, 2024) The new classroom areas are taking shape with paint and carpet completed. 教室的下一步工作包括完成所有的电气和视听技术以及天花板瓷砖. The installation of the moveable classroom walls will occur in May.
  • (3月15日, 2024)医学图书馆的装修将于3月15日至31日在安静和协作的大型自习室进行, starting with disassembling of the furniture in the quiet room.
  • (3月14日, 2024)在接下来的几周内, 饰面,如灯具, 门的硬件, and bathroom fixtures will be installed throughout the new areas.
  • (2月. 9, 2024) Installation began this week on the glass panels, 这是新入口的一个关键设计元素,它将使OUWB在校园中更加引人注目.
  • (1月. 26, 2024) The metal grid above the elevators is in place and ready for the ceiling to be installed.
  • (1月. 12, 2024)工作人员已经完成了在入口通道砌体上悬挂胶合板的工作,为下一步:安装金属和不透明玻璃面板做准备.
  • (12月. 19, 2023)本月将在新的入口通道上完成巨大的楼梯,以及地下电气工程和混凝土地板.
  • (12月. 1, 2023) The bathroom door frames and the fire alarm system are in place, 外墙砖砌工程已完工, and crews have been installing the classroom door-partition tracks, which are equipped with automatic open and close mechanisms.
  • (11月. 10, 2023) Interior brick work, drywall installation along with soffit and facia framing have begun.
  • (11月. 2, 2023) Crews have secured the foundation of the entryway rooftop on the new gateway entrance. Replacement of the heating and cooling unit will begin this month. Patio cleaning is compete and caulking is underway.
  • (10月. 26, 2023)起重机到达施工现场,允许工作人员在入口通道和入口通道屋顶的基础上添加钢梁.
  • (10月. 20, 2023) Crews waterproofed the outdoor plaza/patio and indoors, the walls and ceilings were coming into place for the new restrooms on the first floor. 
  • (10月. 5, 2023)地下管道和内部建筑和机械材料的拆除完成. 内部金属钉框架和新灭火系统的安装工作已接近完成,而内部电力工程仍在进行中. 
  • (9月. 22, 2023年,建筑工人拆除了二楼的窗户,为增加入口通道的砖石工程扫清道路.
  • (9月. 8, 2023)在一楼机械区附近安装了一个紧急出口,并在过去几周更新了地下管道的地方更换了内部混凝土工程.
  • (9月. 1, 2023) Interior metal stud framing is ongoing along with in-wall electrical.
    (You can really see our new classrooms and student study rooms starting to take shape!)
    场地基础将在下周末完成,砖石工程将开始,钢结构安装预计将于本月开始. Demolition of the interior architectural and mechanical materials is completed.
  • (8月18, 2023)道奇大厅的拆除工作已经完成,机械/电气行业开始安装他们的新工作. Inside the 医学图书馆, the walls for the office are roughed in and ready for inspection. Drywall will be installed when the inspection is completed.
  • (8月. 14, 2023年)-道奇大厅实验室160和162以及医学图书馆办公室的建设计划开始.
  • (8月. 2, 2023年)- O 'Dowd Hall入口通道上的两棵树被移走,混凝土被拆除,为新入口的基础让路.
  • (7月24日, 2023年)-所有奥克兰中心(西)侧的二楼外部入口将保持开放. 电梯只能在第二层到第五层使用,并且只能在这两层之间运行.
  • (7月17日, 2023年)-本周将在O 'Dowd Hall前门入口处的施工区域周围安装独立的面板和墙壁. Prep work begins in the Student Lounge to clear the way for the construction of a wall.
  • (May 18, 2023) – Pre-bid meeting for construction companies
  • (2023年5月11日)  Kick-off meeting with American Interiors (furniture vendor)
  • (2023年5月5日) – 施工图完成
  • (9月. 2022 ~ 2022年3月) – Focus groups and planning meetings held with students, 工作人员, 教师, 世行行政领导, 你的设施, Fishbeck, 和每个结构. A town hall for O’Dowd Hall stakeholders was held on Feb. 2, 2023.
  • (2022年9月至2022年3月)  Preliminary construction work, soil boring, building inspections, utility testing
  • (9月. 1, 2022) – 项目启动会议召开
  • (8月. 10, 2022) – Bids awarded to Fishbeck (design) and AUCH (construction management
  • (2022年7月20日) – The request for proposals period for construction drawings and construction management ended. 
  • (2022年6月13日) – Project approved by Oakland University Board of Trustees 
  • (11月. 2021 – May 2022) Project scope and design concept completed


起重机到达施工现场,让工作人员在入口通道和入口通道屋顶的基础上添加钢梁. (10月. 26, 2023)

An image of the entrance to O'Dowd Hall under construction

Work continues on the new entrance on the east side of O'Dowd Hall. (摄于九月). 28, 2023)


建筑工人拆除了二楼的窗户,为增加入口通道的砖石工程扫清了道路. (摄于九月). 21, 2023)

An image of the entrance to O'Dowd Hall under construction

入口通道的改变包括移走两棵离奥多德大厅门最近的树. (8月摄). 2, 2023)


一楼的走廊上,一名工作人员在一堵临时墙附近工作,墙上有一个通往110间教室的开口. (摄于2023年7月28日)


The doorway marks the spot for the new Student Lounge entrance. This area is the space that was formerly occupied by the second-floor vending machines. (摄于2023年7月28日)

O'Dowd Hall翻新的亮点 & 添加项目
  • 除了 of a new gateway entrance at the northeast corner of O’Dowd Hall.
  • 新入口内的接待区,非正式的座位,以及通往二楼的开放式楼梯.
  • 进入OUWB医学院学生休息室的入口,位于新楼梯和O 'Dowd房间203和204附近.
  • 五个额外的学生自习室和16个非正式的学生学习空间沿着新的西南走廊.
  • 10个新的小教室(将作为学生学习空间的两倍,类似于110号教室目前的使用方式),能够将8个教室扩展到4个中型教室,可容纳25-30人.
  • 除了al offices to house medical education 工作人员 in close proximity to the classroom spaces.
  • 更新现有洗手间.
  • Two additional single-stall, gender-neutral restrooms.
  • 私人健康/哺乳室.
  • 新入口附近的户外座位.
  • 现场工程和停车场修复.





  • (July 15, 2024) – Occupancy expected prior to 2024-25 academic year


O'Dowd Hall: Past, Present, and Future - A Timeline
 1981年在建的奥多德大厅. Photo courtesy Oakland University 校友 Association.

O'Dowd Hall is named for 唐纳德·奥多德 and his wife 1月奥多德. 唐纳德·奥多德 joined OU in 1960 as a founding 教师 member of the university's psychology department. He was appointed as dean of the university in 1961 and served as OU's president from 1970 to 1979. 1月奥多德 与开放大学有很大关系吗, 太, assisting in recruiting 教师 and fostering a community including 教师 and their families, 教职员及学生.

105年,占地5000平方英尺的建筑位于韦德体育app官网校园的中心,由五层楼组成. OUWB目前占据了第一个部分, 第三, 五楼, 还有整个二楼和四楼. Other spaces in the building are used by the following departments: English; Graduate Program Leadership; Global Management; Modern Languages & Literature; Genetics; and Archeology.


11月. 2, 1978 - O'Dowd Hall举行奠基仪式.

1981年7月17日 -大厦落成典礼举行. 

2003 - A large 440-seat classroom is converted into three smaller classrooms, each equipped with the latest in AV instructional technology. The classrooms are now lecture halls 202, 203, and 204.

2012 ——奥多德·霍尔经历过 a $5.300万翻新工程 这包括升级外观, 创建新的分组讨论室, 新建学生休息室, and room 110 -- a large flexible classroom that can be partitioned into smaller learning spaces. 

2020年初 - Liaison Committee on 医疗 教育 grants reaccreditation to OUWB. 作为过程的一部分, LCME issues OUWB a citation for not having enough space for mid-sized classrooms. A citation does not mean that a medical school is at risk of losing accreditation. 而, it is an issue that a school is made aware of so it has an opportunity to take corrective actions.

2020-21 - OUWB官员与建筑公司Fishbeck (OUWB认可的建筑供应商之一)合作,进行简短的建筑基础设施评估和规范评估,以确定需要升级的系统,以支持拟议的改造. 一个被称为“门户”的增强入口也被开发出来,以改善进入学校的可见通道. 

2022年6月13日 - Oakland University Board of Trustees approves the $9.700万翻新工程.

2022年7月6日 - OUWB issues request for proposals (RFP) on renovation project.

2022年7月20日 - RFP周期结束.

2023年3月 -预计开工.



电子邮件 Steve Collard, vice dean for Business and Administration, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).